Call for Proposals
While civil discourse around human rights and responsibilities takes place in face-to-face settings such as public meetings and sites of collective action, discourse on controversial topics increasingly takes place online. North Carolina has drawn national attention on social media due to controversies surrounding the 2016 police shooting in Charlotte, the rights of the LGBTQ community in the wake of HB2 (the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act), the Moral Mondays protests, and racial tensions surrounding Silent Sam on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill.
In this 2-day Symposium, we seek to explore and complicate how conversations in online, offline, and hybrid spaces can promote dialogic communication that overcomes tribalism, echo chambers, and polarization. This includes exploring the intersections of social movements, online communication, and transformation in contexts ranging from interpersonal conversations to public protests to online activism.
We welcome proposals from students, scholars, activists, scientists, artists, and community members that fit the following formats: Papers, Panels, Workshops, New media, Art, Film, and Performance.
We are committed to complementing traditional paper presentations with posters, workshops, new media, art, film, and performance pieces. We encourage innovative uses of technology and creative session formats and request early contact by email if accessibility, space, and/or technology requirements might present logistical challenges. Limited travel support for underfunded presenters may be available.
Submit proposals by December 31, 2018 HERE. For more information or questions, please contact: Dr. Jessica Jameson, Symposium Chair, at